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As an outdoor shopping precinct, the Bridge Mall has wide pathways that are easy to negotiate, and with lots of seating options, you can take your time and meander.

While the vast majority of stores are wheelchair accessible, there are a couple of heritage buildings that have steps so we suggest that if you are unsure and planning your first visit to a specific store that you check with the retailer in advance.

There are lots of disabled carparks with two hours meter free parking on either side of the Bridge Mall. There is also a toilets block located in the Norwich plaza with wheelchair access.


Bridge Mall Traders Association views the protection of your privacy as an integral part of its commitment towards complete accountability and integrity in all its activities and programs. The purpose of this Website Privacy Statement is to explain how your personal information (being information capable of identifying you as an individual) will be treated as you access and interact with this website.

You can access Bridge Mall Traders Association home page and browse the website anonymously, without disclosing your personal information.

Collecting personal information

Bridge Mall Traders Association will only collect personal information supplied by you to this web site when it is necessary to do so. The information will be collected and used for purposes including but not limited to the following:

  • To respond to any general enquiries you have contacted us about.
  • To provide you with newsletters/updates where you have subscribed to them.
  • To contact you in relation to any business listings/events you have listed on the site.
  • To contact you regarding any promotional opportunities for your business or event.
  • To promote your business or event on Bridge Mall Traders Association’s website.
  • To email the last page you visited to a friend (if you request this action via an online form).

Photographs submitted with your business or event listing may also be used for promotional purposes by Bridge Mall Traders Association’s marketing channels. This may include the newsletter and social media.


Third parties

Unless otherwise stated, the personal information which you provide for publication in an event or business listing will appear on the Bridge Mall Traders Association website. It may also be disclosed to a Bridge Mall Traders Association contracted service provider who has been engaged to maintain our event listings.

Google Analytics

In addition to web server logs, our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (Google). Reports obtained from Google Analytics are used to help improve the efficiency and usability of our website.

Google Analytics uses cookies to help analyse how users use our website. The information generated by the cookie about this (including IP addresses) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers around the world.

Disclosure of personal information

Bridge Mall Traders Association will take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your personal information.

Bridge Mall Traders Association will not disclose your personal information to other agencies and authorities unless required or authorised by law. We will not sell your details to another company, nor will we add your details to a mailing list without your consent.

Links to External Websites

This Website Privacy Statement does not extend beyond this website. Where you choose to follow links which take you from our website to other websites, we recommend you read that website’s privacy statement.

Bridge Mall Ballarat FB Privacy Policy & User Guidelines

Bridge Mall Ballarat encourages your contributions to our Facebook page whether they be reviews, feedback, discussion, photos, links, or videos.

However, we ask you to respect your fellow Facebook Bridge Mall Ballarat community members. Please do not swear, post derogatory or discriminatory remarks, post misleading content, or advertise on our page.

All comments, visuals, videos, or other type of material posted by fans on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Bridge Mall Ballarat, its employees, or affiliates.

Bridge Mall Ballarat does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any statement or product claims made here and is not responsible for any user content on this site.

Nor does it monitor every posting of user content on the Bridge Mall Ballarat’s Facebook page.

We also do not endorse any of the opinions expressed on this page.

Bridge Mall Ballarat expects that users will not post any materials which:

(1) Has content that is deemed inappropriate by Bridge Mall Ballarat’s staff and community which includes but is not limited to swearing, abuse, and threatening comments.

(2) Publish or distribute any defamatory, obscene, misleading, or unlawful material or information.

(3) Post material that discriminates against a member of the community based on sex, race, sexuality, religion, or any other issue.

(4) Advertise for any products, business or services on the Page.”


For information about individual store trading hours check out the SHOP directory.